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IECA Annual Conference and EXPO

February 25-28, 2025  |  Richmond Convention Center  |  Richmond, Virginia

Step into the forefront of the erosion, sediment control and stormwater industry at the IECA Annual Conference and Expo, where innovation meets opportunity. Join industry professionals from around the globe for the premier educational event of the year, designed to keep you ahead of the curve with the latest updates and advancements in the field. This is a prime venue for networking and business growth. And, we are reimagining the Expo Hall to provide additional opportunities to be a hub of activity for cutting-edge products, services and technology from leading vendors. This is a year you won’t want to miss!

     1,100+                  35%    

IECA Industry Professionals      of Attendees Make a Purchase 

     Attend from Around                   Based on Information  

           the World                                  Gathered Onsite

      35%                      93%

 of Attendees Spend 5+                        of Attendees

Hours in the Exhibit Hall                    Visit the Expo Hall

Please note: Company must be an IECA organizational member at the time of booking to receive the member pricing rate. Individual memberships are not applicable to receive the special discounted rate.


 The IECA Annual Conference and EXPO features more than 120 exhibitors representing innovative products, services and technologies in the industry, and attendance of 1,100+ attendees visiting the EXPO. Make sure your company will be represented on the show floor.

Standard 10x10 booth includes the following:

• 8’ high back drape and 3’ high side rail drape

• One ID sign (company and booth number)

• Company name and profile on the conference microsite,

   program guide and mobile app.

• Two booth worker registrations per 10x10 space, which includes

   Wed 26 Feb Expo Hall Opening Reception, lunch during expo hall

   hours and access to education sessions (in non-prime seating). This

   pass does not include Tues. activities, Wed. opening keynote & breakfast

   nor Wed. Awards Lunch. Preconference sessions are also excluded.

• Up to five additional booth worker registrations at $300 per

   registration. Must be registered by February 1, 2025.

• Preconference mailing list sent after advance registration deadline.

• Post conference list is available through the mobile app only.


Exhibit Booth Sizes and Pricing:

Size                                         Member/Nonmember Price 

10’ x 10’ Linear.....................................$3,500 / $4,000

10’ x 10’ w/Corner................................$3,700 / $4,300

10’ x 20’ Linear.....................................$5,500 / $6,300

10’ x 20’ w/Corner................................$6,000 / $7,000

10’ x 20’ Peninsula w/2 Corners..........$6,500 / $7,500

10’ x 20’ Island......................................$7,000 / $8,000

20’ x 20’ Island....................................$10,700 / $11,700

20' x 30' Island....................................$16,000 / $22,000


Exhibitor Schedule:

February 25  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM  - Static/Large Display Move In
February 26   8:00 AM - 2:00 PM  - Exhibitor Move In

                       3:45 PM - 6:30 PM   - Exhibitor Reception
February 27   9:00 AM - 5:00 PM  - Exhibitor Hall Open
February 28   8:00 AM - 11:30 AM  - Exhibitor Hall Open
February 28  11:20 AM - 5:30 PM   - Exhibitor Move Out

For larger, custom size booths, please contact Mark Farmer at or by phone to at

+1 (303) 468-2236 to discuss size and pricing.



  • If you wish to cancel your exhibition space or sponsorship, notification must be sent via email to by November 1, 2024. Cancellation requests received by November 1, 2024 will entitle the exhibitor to a 50% refund of the total cost of the exhibit space purchased if funds have been received by IECA by November 1, 2024. 

  • If an exhibitor chooses not to participate in the IECA Annual Conference and Expo after November 1, 2024, all funds paid by the exhibitor will be retained by IECA without option for refund. There are no execptions.

  • All exhibitor booths purchased after November 1, 2024 will require full payment within 10 working days. If payment is not received for exhibit booths purchased after November 1, 2024 within 10 working days of purchase, the exhibit booth will be cancelled and any funds paid to IECA will be retained by IECA without option for refund. There are no exceptions.


  • Sales occurring after January 1, 2025 are not guaranteed to be included in the printed program or signage due to required print deadlines. We will do our best to accommodate last-minute purchases when possible. 



We all enjoy breaking bread together, which makes these opportunities pretty "tasty!"

  • Recognition on conference signage

  • Recognition in IECA conference mobile app

  • Recognition in conference program guide

Stand out from the crowd! Designed to strengthen and promote your brand at the Annual Conference,

IECA offers a variety of sponsorships to connect you with attendees who are actively buying. All enhanced

sponsorships include the following:

Welcome Reception Hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter    Sponsored by:

Tuesday, February 25th from 6:30PM - 9:30PM

                                                                            The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of IECA will be giving conference attendees a warm welcome

                                                                            to Richmond, Virginia during the kickoff event which provides a welcoming atmosphere                                                                                            to conference attendees and gives center stage to the headlining sponsor. The Welcome

                                                                            Reception is a great way for you to make a big impression as its sponsor, which will highlight your

                                                                            company throughout the event. Package includes signage and branding and promotional

                                                                            marketing across all IECA outlets,15 complimentary attendee passes to the event, and the

                                                                            opportunity to provide souvenirs for attendees.  

$8,000 Exclusive - requires active membership | Or, $5,000 per sponsor for two sponsors

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Opening Keynote/Breakfast   

Wednesday, February 26th

Get podium recognition in front of conference attendees on the first day! Package includes

signage and branding and promotional marketing across all IECA outlets, a walk-in slide with

a custom marketing message from your company, and the opportunity to provide souvenirs

for attendees. Sponsor must provide logo, marketing message as an MP4 file, and

has opportunity to supply branded napkins.

$2,500 Exclusive - requires active membership |  Or, $1,000 per sponsor up to three sponsors

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Sponsored by

IECA Awards Luncheon                                                                        Sponsored by

                                                                                        Thursday, February 27th

                                                                                        This IECA attendee lunch draws 325-350 attendees. Package includes signage and branding

                                                                                        and promotional marketing across all IECA outlets, a walk-in slide with a custom marketing

                                                                                        message from your company, and the opportunity to provide souvenirs for attendees.

                                                                                        Sponsor must provide logo, marketing message as an MP4 file, and has opportunity to supply branded napkins.

$2,500 Exclusive - requires active membership |  Or, $1,000 per sponsor up to three sponsors

Opening Expo Hall Reception                             Sponsored by

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Wednesday, February 26th from 4:30PM - 6:30PM

The Expo Hall Opening Reception will provide a vibrant atmosphere with excitement and

energy as we celebrate the exhibitors who bring innovation, expertise, and cutting-edge

solutions to the forefront of our industry. This reception is designed to create an

environment that encourages networking, knowledge sharing, and the exploration of the

latest industry trends. This reception aligns the headline sponsors with the biggest event

hosted during the IECA Annual Conference and provides center stage for branding and

impressions on conference attendees. Package includes signage and branding and

promotional marketing across all IECA outlets, 10 drink tickets, and the opportunity to

provide souvenirs for attendees. Sponsor must provide logo and has opportunity to supply branded napkins. 

$7,500 Exclusive - requires active membership |  Or, $5,000 per sponsor for two sponsors  

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Expo Hall Lunch

Thursday, February 27th from 11AM - 1PM

                                                                  During this dedicated lunch break, attendees will have the opportunity to refuel with a delicious meal

                                                                  while exploring the IECA Expo Hall. Attendees will engage in conversations with industry experts,

                                                                  learn about groundbreaking products and services, and  discover new opportunities for collaboration.

                                                                  Put your company center stage as the Expo Hall Lunch sponsor! Package includes signage and

                                                                  branding and promotional marketing across all IECA outlets, and place your company collateral at the

                                                                  tables for attendees to browse while they eat lunch. Sponsor must provide logo and has opportunity to supply branded napkins. 

$2,500 Exclusive - requires active membership |  Or, $1,000 per sponsor up to three sponsors

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Sponsored by


Fuel Up & Connect: Coffee, Tea & Coco Bar in the IECA Town Hall    Sponsored by: 

                                                                                    Put your company front and center for the indulgent Fuel Up & Connect: Coffee, Tea &                                                                                        Coco Bar in the IECA Town Hall. Attendees will indulge in everything from rich, velvety                                                                                         hot chocolate to invigorating iced coffees and an array of exquisite teas, with beverage                                                                                        options catering to every palate. The Fuel Up & Connect Bar is open daily during Expo

                                                                                    Hall Hours, with delectable sweet treats available to accompany beverages from 11AM to 1PM each day. Attendees will unwind, recharge, and forge connections in this inviting space designed with IECA attendees in mind. A center point on the IECA Expo Hall floor – this is a not to be missed opportunity!  Package includes signage and branding and promotional marketing across all IECA outlets. Sponsor must provide logo and has opportunity to supply branded napkins.

Exclusive $7,000 - requires active membership  |  Or, $4,000 per sponsor with two sponsors 

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Friday, 28 February 2025 8:00 - 10:00 AM

Join us as we close out the IECA 2025 Annual Conference with a breakfast to delight! From Bloody Marys to Mimosas and eggs to grits, there will be something for everyone as we celebrate the close of the conference. A dynamic roundtable discussion will be happening in the Expo Hall during these hours. Grab your breakfast, connect with exhibitors or join a roundtable discussion. This is a not to be missed event! 

Package includes signage and branding and promotional marketing across all IECA outlets. Sponsor must provide logo and has opportunity to supply branded napkins.

$2,000 - requires active membership (Multiple Opportunities Available)

Hammer & Eggs Expo Hall Breakfast  Sponsored by:

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Unique, fun and effective!

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Sponsored by

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Provide comfortable spaces within the exhibit hall where attendees can hold an impromptu meeting with colleagues, friends, and potential customers. Package includes signage and branding and promotional marketing across all IECA outlets, listing on the floorplan provided to all attendees, and the opportunity place your company collateral in the seating area. Sponsor must provide logo.

1 Lounge Set: Member $2,500 | $3,500

2 Lounge Sets: Member $4,000 | $5,000

                                                                                                                       Sponsored by                            RICHMOND CITY & DINING GUIDE

Richmond is a great Southern City with many exciting things to do and great dining options. Stand out as the official sponsor of the Richmond City and Dining guide billboard with complimentary printouts provided to all attendees.

Member $12,000 | Nonmember $15,000


Hydrate conference attendees in a sustainable fashion with reusable containers pre-printed with your company message. Complete your water bar with a message that promotes your company's commitment to responsible water conservation consumption. Sponsor must provide logo and containers for two (2) stations placed throughout the venue.
Member $5,000 | Nonmember $7,500

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Sponsored by


Visibility - Branding - Exposure


Promote your company’s name and logo on the IECA Annual Conference lanyard. Sponsorship also includes a

literature insert inside the bag. IECA will select, design and purchase the lanyards and the sponsor is responsible for

providing their company logo and literature insert.

Member $7,500  |  Nonmember $9,000   


 Sponsored by                                       AISLE SIGNS SPONSORSHIP    

                                                                               Logo recognition on prime IECA signage and shared aisle signs directing visitors to your

                                                                               booth. Sponsorship includes your company logo and booth number on the aisle sign.

Member $7,000  |  Nonmember $10,000 

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Its all about the EXPERIENCE! 


Tuesday, February 25, 2023 from 1PM - 5PM

Join IECA Conference attendees to kick off the IECA 2025 Annual Conference & Expo at

an off-site event hosted by your company.

Sponsor must provide logo and sponsorship includes:

  • 4 complimentary attendees on the tour. (Additional tickets available at $90 per person)

  • Recognition as an IECA Conference Sponsor: on conference signage, on the mobile
    app and program guide.

  • Recognition as tour sponsor and on website.

Attendance: Limited to 50

Member $7,000  |  Nonmember $10,000​

     Sponsored by                                                                    IECA YOUNG PROFESSIONALS EVENT

                                                                                                           Thursday, February 27th from 5:15PM - 7:15PM  

                                                                                  Do you support young professionals in the industry? Join us for a private event, exclusively

                                                                                  for IECA Young Professionals! At this event attendees will have a chance to connect with

                                                                                  like-minded individuals and develop valuable relationships that can shape their

                                                                                  professional journey while expanding their network, exchanging ideas, and exploring new

                                                                                  opportunities in a dynamic atmosphere. Don't miss the opportunity to put your company

                                                                                  in front of the next generation of industry professionals!   Sponsor must provide logo.

                                                                                  Attendance: Limited to 50

Exclusive $3,500 - requires active membership |  Or, $2,500 per sponsor for two sponsors 


Conduct private meetings in one of our onsite meeting rooms during three main conference days (Wed 8 AM to Fri 11:30PM). Limited rooms available.

Member $1,000 day rate  |  Nonmember $1,500 day rate


Share more about your product/service and conference happenings with attendees. 

Program Guide Ad

Help attendees stay informed and navigate the Expo Hall with this handy pocket guide.

The new abbreviated guide has four opportunities for a full-page advertisement. Qty. 500.

Dimensions are 7” x 4.5” 

Outside Back Cover - Member $4,000 / Nonmember $6,500

Inside Back Cover - Member $3,500 / Nonmember $4,000

Inside Front Cover - Member $3,300 / Nonmember $3,800

Full Page Ad - Member $2.000 / Nonmember $3,000


Program Guide Insert 

One program guide insert is available to be placed in a back-inside pocket. Dimensions are 6.5” x 4.25” and maybe double-sided.  

Member: $2,000 / Nonmember $3,000

IECA Badge Ticket Insert

Add a custom message to IECA attendee badges to stop by your booth, win a prize, or enter into a drawing. Sponsorship includes company logo/promotion attached to the attendee badge and recognition in the conference program guide and onsite signage.

Member $2,500  |  Nonmember $3,500 (Multiple Opportunities Available)


Expo Hall Floor Entrance Graphics

Gain extra exposure to drive attendees to your booth custom floor clings featuring

your company logo and booth number. This large graphic is 3’ x 2’ and is located at the entrance of the expo hall.  

Member $2,500  |  Nonmember $4,500


Product Case Study 

Limited space available and presenter must be a sponsor or exhibitor.  Host an educational
Product Case Study to position yourself and your company as a subject matter expert while providing
real-world application to an engaged audience.  Don’t miss this opportunity to bring your company
innovation, expertise and solutions to the forefront of the conversation at the IECA Annual Conference
& Expo.

60-minute Case Study (Classroom E21C)   Member $850  |  Nonmember $1,000 (multiple opportunities)

30-minute Case Study (IECA Show Floor Learning Zone)  Member $750  |  Nonmember $950 (multiple opportunities)

Annual Conference Microsite Web Banner

Get in front of every visitor who views the IECA conference website before, during and

after the event with two digital advertising opportunities.

Homepage Square  (Multiple Opportunities -  Member $2,000 | Nonmember $2,500 

Homepage Skyscraper (Exclusive) -  Member $3,000 | Nonmember $4,000 

IECA Conference Mobile App

IECA’s mobile app keeps attendees informed on conference changes, expo hall happenings, gaming and more!

Sub-Page Banner Ad

Show unique banners and link to URLs in the Expo, more information, people, presentations and search pages.

  • 7:1 aspect ratio, 1,080 pixels wide x 152 pixels high

  • 11:1 aspect ratio, 2,048 pixels wide x 180 pixels high

  • 9:1 aspect ratio, 1,920 pixels wide x 225 pixels high

  • 13:1 aspect ratio, 1,920 pixels wide x 152 pixels high

Member $500 | Nonmember $800

Splash Screen Sponsor (exclusive)

Each time the app is opened, your ad appears!

Member $2,000 | Nonmember $2,500 

Home Screen Sticky Banner (exclusive)

The sticky banner appears on the main screen and attaches to the bottom navigation. The

banner stays stationary as you scroll the main screen. Pixel dimensions are for portrait

and landscape ads (2048 x 200-500; 1,536 x 150-400).

Member $2,500 | Nonmember $3,000 

Daily Conference Email

IECA distributes an email each morning of the conference to all attendees

with an overview of the day’s activities. Make sure your company’s activities

are included with a web banner promoting your organization.

Member $500 | Nonmember $800 (Multiple Opportunities Available)

To explore how to grow your business with IECA, please click on the photo below or contact

Mark Farmer, Director of Sales

1 (303) 468-2236 |  Email

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